You Snooze, you Lose

by H. Diosas

     Ensign Razma Nez had finished her holodeck routine. The young Trill was ready to freshen up and start her shift. "Computer! End program!" No response. "Com-puter! End Program! Computer!? Wha...?" She looked around for a moment. "Nez to Bridge!" No response. "Nez to Engineering!" No response. "Nez to anybody!?"
     Captain Andalus was in her chair on the bridge staring over at the empty seat. "Computer locate Ensign Razma Nez."
      The computer beeped. "Ensign Razma Nez is no longer aboard."
     Captain Andalus leaned forward in her chair. "Where was the last known postion of Ensign Nez?"
     "Ensign Nez was last seen in holodeck 3."
     She leaned back in her chair. "Captain to Main Engineering."
     "Marlett here, what is the problem Captain?"
     "I should be asking you the same thing."
     Commander Marlett was confused, "Wha..."
     "Are there any malfunctions with holodeck 3?"
     "No, sir." he hit a few buttons, "Not that sensors show. Why?"
     The Captain took a deep breath and let it out slowly, "Ensign Nez was last seen there, and now the computer can't locate her."
     "I'll go check it out, but sensors show..."
     "Thank you Commander."
     "Aye, sir. Marlett out."
     Captain Andalus stood up. "Lieutenant Khmer."
     The lieutenant turned around in his chair.
     "I would like you to accompany Commander Marlett to holodeck 3 to find out what is going on."
     "Aye, sir." Lieutenant Khmer stood up and walked over to the nearest turbo-lift.

* * *

     Ensign Nez opened her eyes, she was on the bridge. She saw the Captain, and the rest of the bridge crew. "Captain!" she shouted, but the Captain didn't answer. She ran up to the Captains chair. "Captain? Captain Andalus? Can you hear me?"
      Andalus placed a strand of hair behind her ear. "Andalus to Khmer."
     "Khmer here."
     "What have you found so far?"
     "Captain, it isn't good news."
     "Holodeck 3 is empty."
     "What?" The Captain's eyes grew wide.
     Ensign Nez gasped.
     "Ar-ar-are you sure?"
     "Yes, Captain, sadly, we are sure."
     Andulus stood up. "Lieutenant, when you arrive at the bridge, you have the con."
     "Understood, sir, Khmer out."
     Andulus walked to her ready room. Nez followed her. The doors closed behind the Captain and Nez walked right through them. She gasped then walked over to the Captain's desk. Andulus sat down, "Computer, start captain's log."
     The Computer beeped. "Captain's log, stardate 4535.7. Today has been a confusing and sad day. We have lost a member of our crew,"
     Nez slammed her fists down on the Captain's desk. "I am not dead, Captain! I am right here!"
     "One casualty, Ensign Razma Nez."
     Nez folded her arms and bit her lip.
     "End of log."
     Andulus stood up and walked right through Nez. She stopped for a moment, looked behind her then shook her head.
     "No, Captain your right, you did just walk through something. Me!"
     Andulus walked over to the window. Nez followed her.
     "Captain, you have to be able to hear me." Nez sighed in disappointment. She left the ready room and headed for the ship's recreation area.

* * *

     "Come on Jack, you have to eat something."
     Jack Khmer ran his finger around the rim of his glass, "I'm just not hungry, Cooper,"
     Cooper Marlett rolled his eyes.
     "Cooper," Lieutenant Sandra Franklin began, "he and Razma were really good friends. Don't be so hard on him. She was your friend too." Franklin put her glass down. "Excuse me gentlemen, I need some sleep."
     Franklin exited the rec room when Nez walked in. Nez walked over to the table were Khmer and Marlett were sitting. She could tell that Khmer was sad, "Jack, it's okay, I'm alive. Can anyone hear me?"

* * *

     "Wake up, Razma." Marlett said.
      "Cooper, what are you talking about." Nez blinked. She was back in her quarters. "Wake up, you're late for your shift." She heard Marlett say over the com. Nez rubbed her eyes and got out of bed, and hit the com button beside her, "Sorry Commander, I'll be there soon."
     "Okay, get down here quick, Ensign! Marlett out."
     Nez sat back down on her bed, "It was only a dream," she said to herself.