A Story

by T'Kya Amaterasu-Wolfpaw

     Shalaya was a beautiful continent as far as the eye could see. Seperated by the Border Mountains with the dry, coarse desert beyond. The grass was soft under one's feet like a silky cushion and wet from the early morning chill. The most grand part of Shalaya was the valley, a valley of beauty and radiance, looked down on by the planet Pak'Tor.
     Walking through the forest was easy if you knew which way to go. The trees towered high and the birds sang sweet songs that lifted your heart and kept your ears alert and a deer that bolted by that made your eyes sharp. The dirt was rich and cold under your feet as you walked across it. It was like a reality to escape to that was conjured in your sleep in a stormy night as an act of comfort.
     On the other side of the forest you are greeted by a steep ledge and laid out before you far below was the valley itself. Green hills on either side and a river snaking it's way to the lake by the mountains on the horizon. The wind whistled through your hair and the air was clear and fresh as it hit your nostrils. The glow of Pak'Tor was radiant in the lake, crystal clear in it's shade of purple. And a moon you could just about see orbiting around Pak'Tor's ring. You make your way down this rugged, stony path to the river.
     Small villages dotted the river on either side, with people washing clothes and preparing food. Wolf cubs running back and forth chasing brightly coloured butterflies. The people had brightly coloured braids in their hair and paint on their faces, a line or a pattern that made them who they were. Onwards towards the huge temple ahead. A cross-shaped building with four large marble halls with hard, gold coloured concrete on the outside with patterns and small drawings by children. The dome at the very top was red, it's supports also made of gold. It looked mystical with Pak'Tor looming over it in the blue skies above.
     Inside the temple was draped with purple, red and gold fabrics and banners, the walls painted with drawings that told a story. A group of priests standing before a man of stone with flowing robes and long hair, his hands together and looking down on his subjects, praying. You also bow your head briefly to this very special statue. Another chamber held gold, silver and various metal relics that meant something to these people, that told a story by a design of an object or the drawing it had on it.
     Back outside on the far side of the temple was a deep waterfall that disappeared into a mist, just before the edge of the valley. A mist that acted as a floor so nobody fell into it's depths and that nobody unwelcome could get out. The wind whistled and whirled around you and with a deep breath, you let out a howl.
     Did I mention to you that you was a wolf?