Guess Who's Coming to
Thanksgiving Dinner

by Sharazod

(a.k.a. Two Wolves)

     Admiral Ujetta "Jet" Kensington of Deep Space 17 was summoned to Landing Bay 3 post haste. The USS Ulysses had off loaded an item, and tore out of the station. It always bode ill to see a Constitution class starship do something like that.
     Jet and staff were quietly accessing the situation by looking down into the landing bay and observing a lone shipping container which sat all by itself.
     "Okay. So, who's gonna to go down there and open that sucker?" Jet asked. Not a being moved. Jet looked at them and they were all gazed at her.
     "Oh no! Not me! I'm not goin' down there! No way! I can't anyway. Starfleet rules remember?" Jet said. "What if I go down there and get blown up?" she continued.
     "Then you will have died honorably." Admiral Khar, her Klingon spouse said. Even though he loathed to lose his parmaqui.
     "Send in the Track Cats. They can sniff it out and tell us what's in it." Yeoman Riff, the Catellan suggested.
     "After all, they had been trained to sniff out drugs, explosives, stowaways, and such." Duran Parr, the Bajoran head of Security added.
     "Then that's what we'll do." Jet said. So a pair of Track Cats were sent in to sniff out the container. The Lynx-like cats sniffed about and found no contraband or explosives. They just sat their stubby tailed butts down on the deck, in front of the container and stared at it.
     "What the heck does that mean?" Jet asked.
     "It means they've found something." Khar said. He was the station's foremost expert on the creatures.
     "Found what?" Captain Delmar, the Vamporian asked. Khar concentrated.
     "There is a being in there." he said.
     "What kind of being?"
     "They do not know." Khar said.
     "Then it looks like the only way to find out is to go down there and open it." Captain Delmar said.
     "What if there's a Predator in there?" Jet asked. Obviously she'd seen the old Earth film "Alien" one too many times.
     "Then you're toast. They won't bother us." Delmar replied and smiled. Of course they wouldn't bother the vampires. . . . . .
     "I'll go." Duran Parr said. He grabbed a pry bar on his way down and they all watched as he strode into the Landing Bay, approached the crate and begin to pry it open. At a certain point, it fell open, like a flower opening to absorb sun. Within the crate was an old fashioned mahogany coffin with brass handles. Parr muttered a Bajoran curse, threw down the pry bar, and hastily backed away.
     "Oh-oh, not good." Jet thought. Before she could say another word, Delmar was down in the landing bay standing next to the coffin. Every one watched as he placed his right hand at the head of the coffin.
     There was an audible snick as the coffin opened and it's occupant sat up.
     "Oh my God! I know that person!" Riff exclaimed.
     "I do too!" Delmar exclaimed.
     "He is a legend among us Klingons!" Khar said.
     "Elvis?" Jet thought.